Am I alone inside my head

Am I alone inside my head?

Is there ever any other

A voice in my ear is just as queer

As one imagined or

Are these the thoughts of a schizophrenic

Or are we all fractured and unaware

Many voices in the head

Each idetenfied as I

Some learn to name the me's and we's

The him's, the her's and they's

And no longer say I am I

But that I simply am

When I write I find I fall

Right into what I have to say

No need to search the various ways

I say what they say

But who is saying what I think I am to say?

Well, me, I am, and we I supposed

Did Aria* inspire me to say?

P b and J

You've met them, too.

When you dream, if you're like me

You forget you're alone

*my goddaughterÂ