
Logic has a multitude of names

flavors, frequencies, octaves, schools

and proper ones, too.

Incorporate, embody a person

Empathy: to see how they think

What perspectives can be assumed?

Can you build, like out of snow,

constructs in the mind that logically grow

Snowballing and collection,

building increasingly complicated


The game presents itself out of the entropy

Out         of               theEntropy

It tells you what inferences are true

It decides, logic dictates the

natural flow, the direction of the force

What logic engines can we build?

They're games, people characters

Gods and countries, greater than the whole's

Some tools for your inventory:

Manners maketh man

The current of languages: made up by words

bound by context, propagated by syllables

silent, or otherwise.

Dialect constrains, develops preference.

The words escape and decide for themselves